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Then just whisk yourself away to the warm food memory of your choice, with cooking games focused on both types of cuisine – pizza, sushi, Indian curries, decadent chocolate cakes – and setting and occasion – first dates, family dinners, Christmas. And, of course, Thanksgiving. The holiday these cooking games were really made for. Download and play free Cooking Games. Serve up delicious meals in the best games featuring cooking and kitchens! Big Fish Games. Become a chef and serve up delicious meals to happy diners as you play free Cooking Games. Try before you buy! Cooking Academy 2: World Cuisine. Free online games for PC and Mac. Play free games online with no ads or popups. Over 1,000 Free Game Downloads! Hidden Express. Explore gorgeous and real photographic scenes to find hidden objects! Recently Played Online Games. = Big Fish Games Exclusive = New Game = Popular = Players. Welcome to FreeGames.org! We have lots of wholesome free online games suitable for all players. Every game can be played fullscreen on PC, Mobile, Chromebook and more. There are no downloads, no purchases and best of all no in-game ads. Select a game below to start having fun!

Hi, my name is Gaz, welcome to my website. I've been developing free games and websites since 2006. My previous site, TheGameHomepage.com, was visited by 65 million people. I've also developed over a hundred web games and they've been played somewhere around a billion times! I picked up some cool awards along the way including a Guinness World Record and a BAFTA Special Commendation. What started as a hobby has turned in to my passion and over the past fourteen years I've learned a lot about web games. I've used this experience along with some new ideas to make this website, FreeGames.org, my fresh take on a free game website. With this project there are a number of things that I set out to achieve:

1. Genuinely Free 😄

In-app purchases and micro-transactions have become the norm in free games these days, withholding content or frustrating you to try and make you buy power-ups. It seems the catch for playing free games is that they will use every trick in the book to make you pay - often many times more than you would pay for a game outright. This strategy works and some people are spending huge amounts of money on their favorite games over time without realizing how much it has added up. All of the games on this website are complete full games with no in-game purchases whatsoever. All of our games and all of their content are 100% free - no exceptions!

2. Online 🌐

Apps have been the most popular way to play casual games for a while now. I think there are some compelling reasons to give online games another shot though. For instance it can be tiresome installing and deleting many apps to find the game you want. It can be a drag waiting for them to install when you just want to quickly play something new. They can fill up your device. They can only be played on one type of device (iPhone, Android etc.). Online Games solve all of these problems. I'm not saying that online games should replace apps - I think there are great reasons for both and they can happily exist alongside each other 🧡

3. On any Device 📱

I wanted to create a consistent experience across all devices. Often web games will only work on computers and if you visit on a mobile device they don't play. Other times if you visit the website on desktop then mobile you are presented with completely different games. I wanted to make a consistent experience on any device so if you play a fun game on your computer in the afternoon you can come back later on your phone to play it in bed. Or you want to show a friend you can pull it up on their tablet. All of the games on the homepage of this site are compatible on any device.

4. Full Screen 👀

Web games have traditionally been played in a little box with adverts around them and that is how many websites still serve them. Some of these games are fantastic and it seems such a shame to play them like that. That is why I've made it possible to play all of the games on this site full screen. It is how I prefer to play games and I think it makes such a big difference to the user experience. To enter fullscreen mode just press the 'fullscreen' button located above any game.

5. No In-Game Ads 🛑


I played some games on my phone recently and was horrified to see that it's now commonplace for developers to show full screen adverts after every level in their games. In one game I played there was a video advert before AND after every level! The best experience when playing a game comes from full immersion and engagement. It doesn't matter if you're playing a story driven blockbuster or a challenging game of Mahjong; players should be able to reach a state of flow. That is impossible if you are being interrupted and forced to watch full screen adverts every 2 minutes. You will notice that there are no adverts in the games on this site. I could instantly double the revenue this website makes by adding them but I would rather my visitors have a great experience instead. This website is supported by a handful of static adverts which you will notice dotted around its pages which you can easily ignore and will never interrupt your gameplay.

6. Fast Loading ⚡

I want players to be able to click (or tap) and play instantly. That's why I've used the latest cloud hosting technology to serve it all over the world from a location near you. I've also worked hard with site optimizations to make everything work as fast as possible. This is another advantage of removing video adverts as it means you can start playing your chosen game much faster or try out many different games to find a good one without watching an advert each time.

7. User Feedback 💭

I continuously update this website with new games and improvements. Rather than guess or assume what you want I have a secret weapon - I ask! You will notice feedback buttons and often short surveys popping up around the site. If you have any thoughts, issues or ideas don't keep them to yourself - let me know. I read every piece of feedback submitted and use it all to help decide what changes and features to implement to both the website and games.

8. No Downloads 👍

All of our titles can be played instantly with no need to download. Why fill up your phone or laptop with downloaded games you aren't even sure you will like yet when you can play them like this?

9. Wholesome / Family Friendly 👪

This website is family friendly. The games here have been selected/developed with the aim to create a positive experience that is appropriate for all ages.


10. The Best Games 🏆

Last on my list and most important of all is great games. I develop and hunt down the most fun games for you to play.

Hopefully these features will mean that you have a good experience on FreeGames.org. If you have any comments please do feel free to get in contact with me. You can do so via my contact form or facebook page. Last of all I'll leave you with my project motto which I have stuck on the wall next to my computer:

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Thank you for reading my manifesto and for using FreeGames.org. Have fun!

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❤️ Gaz Thomas (website creator)